########################################## THE INTERNET SEX SURFER NEWSLETTER #7 ########################################## The Bi-Weekly Electronic Newsletter of Internet Sex Resources Copyright 1995 - Phillip Mason Issue of April 15, 1995 (#7) PLEASE USE E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHILLIP@IGLOU.COM We have several net addresses but this is the one to respond to as it has our best incoming mail handling features. Dear Reader, Welcome to this issue of The Internet Sex Surfer. Our purpose is to provide information about sex related topics of all kinds that are available on the worldwide Internet. We cover every conceivable resource: from xxxrated material on down to general subjects that are in some way related to human sexuality. Comments, questions, corrections, and additions always welcomed As a subscriber, you will receive our issues by e-mail once every two weeks. If you should want to stop receiving this newsletter, simply send us an e-mail message saying "UNSUBSCRIBE SEX SURFER" somewhere in the body. ENJOY ! Ye Editor Phillip Mason 403 Stringtown Road Williamsburg, KY 40769-9727 (USA) Internet E-mail: phillip@iglou.com ########################################### HOW TO BECOME A REGULAR SUBSCRIBER To receive our regular issues (sent to you every two weeks by e-mail), simply mail $3.00 to the address above. Be sure to include your e-mail address so we'll know who to send it to. This will get you signed up for the next 24 issues (1 year). ################################# HAVING PROBLEMS ACCESSING SITES? We realize that some sources on this list (Newsgroups, WWW & FTP sites) are not accessible to everyone. This may or may not be your servers fault. As for Usenet newsgroups, if there is something you can't get then your server probably does not have it available. All net providers do not carry every group. Some censor them out. Some FTP sites often go private, or simply close without any warning, and only sometimes reopen again. Another problem you may encounter are sites that stay so busy they are difficult to login to. Many FTP sites can only handle a small number of users at one time. Just keep trying until you connect. #################################### The following are the new listings, corrections, and updates for this issue. #################################### The following is our updated listing of WWW pages. If you want to access these by e-mail, use the directions given in the last issue (#6) or in our publication THE E-MAIL SEX SOURCE GUIDE, or THE GLB E-MAIL RESOURCE GUIDE. soc.bi Home Page: http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/J.W.Harley/soc-bi.html Patches' Place. An archive of stories, and unofficial FAQ for alt.sex.watersports. http://homepage.eznet.net/~patches/ Safer Sex Page: http://www.cmpharm.ucsf.edu/ Personals ads page: http://www.public.com/personals/ Creative Screwing?: http://www.pic.net:80/uniloc/nanette/ Paranoia Home Page: http://www.paranoia.com/ Medical Equipment (including enema gear, etc) http://www.zynet.co.uk/mediquip/ Bit Bucket Adult Exchange: http://world.std.com/~bitbuck/index.html New Fetish Page - from Amsterdam (mostly Dutch) http://www.imaging.nl/fetish/index.html The Amazon Arena (FemDom & Amazon Women): http://www.globalmark.com/globalmark/amarena.html Nate Kling's Page http://kahless.isca.uiowa.edu/~foxtrot/ http://www.infotank.com/WildThing/Sex/ Movie Info Page http://w3.eeb.ele.tue.nl/mpeg/index.html http://web.cs.ubc.ca/grn/alt.pantyhose/index http://www.df.lth.se/~micke/annaworship.html http://www.glock.ramp.com http://www.glue.umd.edu/~angelrat/.bg/ http://www.hut.fi/~mpaivari/girlsdo.html http://www.ida.his.se/ida/~a94bjaiv/pics/pics.html http://www.rahul.net/bryanw/index.html http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ths/gifs.html http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~turnert/girls.html http://www.mxm.com/GMN/Index.html Busy's Page: http://www.aloha.com/~busy/ Free Spirit Adult Toys: http://www.gate.net/~texus/ Body Piercing Ezine: http://www.io.org/~glider/bme.html Purient: http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~anon359f/ Safe Sex: http://www.cmpharm.ucsf.edu/~troyer/safesex.html Dan's Home Page (Gay images): http://www.direct.ca/~dsmith/ Girl pics r-rated: http://netmart.com/macjam/ NiteLife Adult BBS Home Page: http://interport.net/~btay/nitelife.html Digital Entertainment Unlimited: http://www.cube.net/~deu/Welcome.html Blowfish Sexuality Information Center: http://www.webcom.com/~blowfish/ Glass Wings: http://www.aus.xanadu.com/GlassWings/sexual.html Dhugen Pic Files: http://minf.vub.ac.be/~dhugen/pics Sumeria: http://werple.mira.net.au/sumeria Playboy Magazine: http://www.playboy.com/ Gay & lesbian outdoor org: http://access.digex.net/~erewhon/ Rainbow Room: http://www.acs.appstate.edu/~hb6399/stale/ rainbow/rainbow.html UC Berkeley bi/gay/les: http://server.berkeley.edu/mblga/ M.J. O'Neill's Page with lots great sex links: http://www.clark.net/pub/mjoneill/links.html Square Dance Clubs (gay): http://hawg.stanford.edu/~sgreen/IAGSDC/.html Explicit multimedia catalog: http://www.hip.com/focus/catalog.html World Sex Guide: http://www.paranoia.com/faq/prostitution/ Condom Country: http://www.ag.com/condom/country Shrimp (exotic Asian models): http://hk.super.net:80/~shrimp/club Hotel Noir: http://www.the-wire.com/express/hoteln/hnmain.html Gay Male Erotic: http://www.america.com/~combat/xtreme.html Ultimate Strip Club List: http://www.paranoia.com/~express/strip.html Guide to NYC Strip Clubs: http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~mstone/nyc Adult entertainment: http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~mstone/home.html Photos of redheads: http://www.paranoia.com/~chet/redheads.html Nudie Club Listing: http://www.access.digex.net/~ldgrim/nudeclub.html The Point of No Return (list of sites): http://zoom.lm.com/ Bianca's Smut Shack: http://Bianca.com/shack/index.html Penthouse: http://www.penthousemag.com/ http://www.columbia.edu/~tj19/cv.html http://www.atom.co.jp/GALLERY/PICTURE/Osawa/index.html http://erau.db.erau.edu/~heistado/ http://tam2k.tamu.edu/~wwn8108/campus/b_w.html http://www.switzerland.net/Customers/woj/enjoy/regist.html Excelsior Info Services. http://www.io.org/~excels/ Telecentral CD catalog: http://www.iquest.net/~tlcental/ A WWW dating service. http://netmedia.com/date/ http://www.paranoia.com/faq/prostitution Links to sex sites. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ftp-interface.html Links to more sex sites. http://www.damimi.aau.dk/~hwan/sex.html http://www.infohaus.com/access/by-adult/Ambers_Playhouse/ Ambers_WWW_Plezure_Guid Cyber-Sex-Toys: http://www.webcom.com/~dml/sex/intro.html No More Victims page: http://www.casti.com/NMV/html/nmv.html Pedosexual Resource Directory: http://www.casti.com/PRD/home.html Queer Resources Directory: http://www.casti.com/QRD/.html/ QRD-home-page.html Brandy Alexandre's Home Page: http://www.primenet.com/~otrprod New Doki page: http://best.com/~doki/cdrom.html http://akebono.stanford.edu/yahoo/Society_and_Culture/ Sex/Safe_Sex/ Page from the Spanish version of alt.sex: http://latoso.cheme.cornell.edu/Spain/News/es.alt.sexo Cyberqueer Lounge (lots links to unusual GLBT sites) http://cyberzine.org/html/GLAIDS/glaidshomepage.html Zine Slippery When Wet Page http://www.acm.usl.edu/~dca6381/ExtropyMisc/slippery/18.html Phonesex (from the Cruise Control BBS): http://www.america.com/~cruise/html/phonesex.html Cruise Control BBS Home Page: http://www.america.com/~cruise/html/cruise.html Adult Movie Info: http://www.gti.net/director0.html Web Personals: http://hamilton/net.media.com/date/ The Playboy Mailing List Page: http://www.lovesexy.com/pei/ Erotic Science Fiction from Circlet Press: Circlet Press: http://www.apocalypse.org/circlet/home.html Libido Magazine: http://www.mcs.com/~rune/home.html Electric Sex Shop: http://www.infospiral.com/ To read an online chapter from the new book "net.sex" check out: http://www.mcp.com/sams/books/net.sex/ Same Sex Marriages Page: http://www.cs.edu:8001/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/scotts/ domestic-partners/mainpage.html RedStar's Erotic Pick of the Day (lots links by David McWha): http://www.cyberspace.com/chronos/sexofday.htm Porno's Home Page (links to lots sites): http://landau.fh.huji.ac.il:8000/PHpage/main.html Bring back the Codpiece Page: http://www.teleport.com/~codpiece Yellow Silk Journal: Journal of Erotic Arts http://www.enews.com/magazines/ys/ A Masturbation Page: http://www.catalog.com/hpalms/WorldWideWank.html Nude of the Month: http://www.well.com/www/jef/nude.html Erotic Zone Page: http://www.ua.pt/~helder/uk/erotica/ Sent in by a reader -? have not tried yet: http://ee.tut.fi/~no104956/sybian/sybian.html Phil Mason's Guide to Internet Sex Resources Page: http://www.cyberspace.com/chronos/sexguide/index.htm The Society for Human Sexuality (Univ. of Washington): http://weber.u.washington.edu/~sfpse/ ################################ NEW ADDITON MAILING LISTS ################################ HYPNO-SEX (hypnosis in a sexual nature) listserv@bootcamp.liii.com Message to sub: SUBSCRIBE HYPNOSEX (Your Name) Updated info for BEARS (gay & bi Men) Mailing list majordomo@queernet.org Message to sub: subscribe bears-digest ################### NEW FTP SITES ################### The Society for Human Sexuality ftp.u.washington.edu /pub/user-supported/sfpse Stories about women with large breasts ftp.netcom.com /pub/ac/acotto/stories B&D, D&S stuff from The Power Exchange ftp.tpe.com /pub/garphica/versatile FemDom/Amazon Women files ftp.kaiwan.com /users/woodward/arena ####### MISC. ####### New Newsgroups to add: alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts alt.sex.motss ba.motss (SF Bay area) bit.listserv.aidsnews bit.listserv.bisexua-l bit.listserv.gaynet alt.feminism soc.feminism uiuc.soc.coming-out uiuc.soc.gay-men uiuc.soc.lesbians alt.sex.fetish.wrestling alt.sex.escorts.ads alt.sex.escorts.d alt.lesbian.feminist.poetry alt.sex.boredom has changed names to: alt.silly.group.names.d New BBS: Buckwheat BBS 610-534-4446 Erotic Fantasy Clothing for the Cyberkinky E-mail: VFashion@Palace.com ######################################## SEX SURFER FAQ'S & OTHER DOCUMENTS ######################################## The sale of the items listed below helps us to defray the very considerable costs of maintaining & distributing this newsletter. Send your orders with payment by snail mail to: Phillip Mason, 403 Stringtown Rd., Williamsburg, KY 40769-9727 (USA) All items will be sent to you via e-mail when we receive your order. Be sure to include your E-MAIL ADDRESS with your order so we'll know who to send it to. ITEM #1. SEX SURFER PICTURES FAQ - All the scoop you need to know about to successfully download, decode and view picture files of all kinds. Covers all the common formats you'll find on FTP sites, WWW pages, Usenet newsgroups, E-mail, etc. Lots of expert tips and information that should help you repair screwed up files, and answer almost any question you might have. Also covers decoding document files and other pertinent info. ONLY $3.00 VIA E-MAIL. ITEM #2. THE E-MAIL SEX SOURCE GUIDE All about how to get FTP & WWW pictures & documents from sites all around the World. Also covers special e-mail archive servers, and other special e-mail sources. Full info. and details on how to construct simple e-mail request messages to obtain a wealth of material, quickly, easily, and with no hassles about slow online response time, and sluggish or hard to reach sites. Gives addresses for hundreds of individual files. Covers all the details you'll need to know to take full advantage of these great e-mail retrieval methods. There is a treasure trove of sex resources in this special guide. ONLY $3.00 VIA E-MAIL ITEM #3. THE GUIDE TO INTERNET SEX RESOURCES. This guide contains our complete and fully updated listings of all Internet FTP & WWW sites, Newsgroups, Mailing Lists and IRC groups. This list is quite large covering about 650 Internet sex related sites. Covers a wide range of topics related to human sexuality, with interests for a great variety of sexual lifestyles. ONLY $3.00 VIA E-MAIL. ITEM #4. ADULT BBS LIST This is a list of hundreds of adult oriented Bulletin Board Services. Some have Internet access and some don't. Includes special info on those we know about - ie: what they offer, their e-mail address, modem speeds, voice phone number, sysop names, and so forth. Contains boards catering to all sexual preferences: GLB, straight, etc ONLY $2.00 VIA E-MAIL ITEM #5. GLB INTERNET E-MAIL RESOURCE GUIDE Much like Item #2 above, but loaded with GLB (Gay/Les/Bi) addresses, information sources, Internet e-mail access methods, and much, much more. Geared strictly to GLB interests. GLB E-MAIL GUIDE. Sent by e-mail for only $3.00 ITEM #6 GUIDE TO GLB INTERNET RESOURCES. Covers every known GLB oriented Mailing List, Newsgroup, WWW page, FTP site, IRC chat group, etc. Huge collection! GLB INTERNET GUIDE. Sent by e-mail for ONLY $3.00 INTERNET SEX SURFER NEWLETTER BACK ISSUES We have Issues #1 through #6 available at $2.00 each END OF ISSUE #7 #8 is due out April 29, 1995